昨天收到的Desire God新闻邮件的标题是“以色列,巴勒斯坦和中东”,顿时吸引了我的眼球。情感上我是支持以色列的,但是每天路过小区的读报栏,看到国际新闻的标题版块总是以色列袭击了平民的消息,让我理智上又无法赞同以色列的行为。虽然理智告诉我:
- 国内的新闻都是经过挑选的,只报道以色列的暴行而不报道真主党的暴行
- 正义的战争也会不可避免的带来平民伤亡,比如抗战时期国府掘开黄河大堤用黄泛区抵挡日军,美军向广岛和长崎投放原子弹,盟军轰炸德累斯顿等。
但是以色列的战争能和反法西斯战争比美吗?真主党和纳粹党可以相提并论吗?于是这封John Piper的讲道稿吸引了我很大的兴趣。John Piper从罗马书11章解释中东的局势,和我的观点颇有差异。姑且将他的提纲翻译如下,有兴趣的同学可以点击打开英文原文。
John Piper认为:
- 神从万民中拣选以色列人作为选民。(申命记7:6)
- 迦南地是他在永恒之中应许给亚伯拉罕和他的后裔的一部分。(创世纪15:18,17:7-8,28:13,48:3)
- 神对亚伯拉罕的应许,包括土地的应许,是一个应许给真正的、属灵的以色列人的永恒礼物,而不是给不信的、悖逆的以色列人。(罗马书9:6-8,申命记28:63,但以理9:4-7,诗篇78:54-61,以赛亚书10:5-13; 约耳书3:2)
- 耶稣基督作为弥赛亚来到这个世上时,以色列人拒绝了他,背弃了神的圣约。(马太福音16:16-17,马可福音14:61-62,罗马书11:28)
- 所以,今日的以色列没有权利要求应许之地的神圣主权,但我们和他们必须共同寻求一个和平的定居之地。这共同寻求和平的途径必须基于公正、公平、恩典和可行的原则。
- 借着在耶稣基督里面的信心,外邦人成为亚伯拉罕的后裔,成为神给亚伯拉罕应许的承受者,包括应许之地的承受者。
- 最后,基督的子民,亚伯拉罕的后裔将会在基督再来建立国度的时候承受这个应许,不会在这之前,只会在基督再来之后。我们基督徒不能够凭借武器来争取继承权利,而是放下我们自己尽可能多的与人分享这继承的权利。
- God chose Israel from all the peoples of the world to be his own possession.
- The Land was part of the inheritance he promised to Abraham and his descendants forever.
- The promises made to Abraham, including the promise of the Land, will be inherited as an everlasting gift only by true, spiritual Israel, not disobedient, unbelieving Israel.
- Jesus Christ has come into the world as the Jewish Messiah, and his own people rejected him and broke covenant with their God.
- Therefore, the secular state of Israel today may not claim a present divine right to the Land, but they and we should seek a peaceful settlement not based on present divine rights, but on international principles of justice, mercy, and practical feasibility.
- By faith in Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, Gentiles become heirs of the promise of Abraham, including the promise of the Land.
- Finally, this inheritance of Christ’s people will happen at the second coming of Christ to establish his kingdom, not before; and till then, we Christians must not take up arms to claim our inheritance; but rather lay down our lives to share our inheritance with as many as we can.